RE: AUGUST 2010 Impromptu Chat
Posted Friday, August 13, 2010 at 1:11 AM

welp, me and ROY made it up to Birmingham and back safe and sound...i sure do pity poor ROY when he has to git up at O dark 30 in the mornin and git dem chillins to school...but he is a trooper and he will handle it like he always does...

I have never ever been more proud to be a Baker BUM than I was today....proud that I had the pleasure of going to school with Ken James and proud to be able to call him my friend...Unfortunatley I have attended more Visitations and Funerals in my lifetime than I would have like to, but I have never, ever seen as many people as I did tonight...they had to make the line in the Chapel like they do at Six Flags, you know how they have to snake the line back and forth so it aint one real long line...well thats how they had to do it in the Chapel cause if they hadnt then the line would have been through the whole building and then out the door and through the parking lot and probably down the street....SID, you were right about what you said when we was talkin today....The Church aint gonna be no where big enuff for the funeral tomorrow....the Baker BUMS we got to see tonight were..Ken Deaton, Ken Emerson, Sidney Roche and Vince Collier...Thanks Vince for calling a couple times to check on us...we told ya we would make it...Ken's wife asked me to pass along something to all the BUMS out there....she told me to tell everyone how overwhelmed she was at all the love and support she had received from all the Baker people....she told me how proud Ken was of his beloved Univ of Alabama, but she said he NEVER failed to let anyone know where he grew up and went to high school...she kinda smiled one time and said "And you know Ken, he would tell them even if they didnt ask" of the coolest things was they were showing a slide show up on a big screen in the chapel...most of the pictures were of Ken at Alabama and a lot of family photos...but I bout busted the buttons out on my shirt when I saw they had included pictures of Ken from Baker, playing football and playing baskeball and there was one picture they included from a get-together of Ken and Roy and Oscar P and Ken Deaton and a few more folks i cant remember right now....I was like a sponge just standing around listening to a lot of Ken's former teammates from Alabama telling old stories involving Ken...we spent a lot of time, of course with Ken Deaton and Ken Emerson and Vince could tell those guys Loved Ken know, Ken was a retired coach and teacher and Roy and I got to talk to a couple of his former students who were there....i got a kick out of one of them telling us he thinks he still has a couple of knots on his head that were put there by Ken using his NCAA National Championship's son also told me how much his Daddy talked about Baker and growing up in Columbus...He made sure I knew his Daddy was proud of where he came from...

i told ROY on the way home there are some people in the world who might think it was gaudy or sacreligious but what i am about to describe WAS Ken James...and it was more fitting for him than anything i can think of....Ken's casket was Crimson Red and the inside was white with the University of Alabama Logo...just an awesome site...they had an Alabama helmet with Ken's number 83 sitting on a pedestal right by his casket..and there was a houndstooth (black and white checkered) hat with the Alabama "A" in his casket ...Ken was dressed in classy blue suit that only Ken could wear and of course, he had on an Alabama tie...just awesome, simply awesome...

I am so glad ROY asked me to go with him...I am proud I went....I was humbled by the whole experience....

I am proud I knew KEN JAMES...

Rest In Peace my old friend....

you changed my life today......and I thank you for that...

if you shed any tears today or tomorrow for KEN, I will be shedding them with you...