In Memory

Frederick W Kirby

Frederick W Kirby

Information mirrored in from old BHS website:

Dr. Frederick W. Kirby, Faculty-Deceased: January 9, 1985

Dr. Kirby was principal of Baker High School from 1957 until 1964, when he became Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum of the Muscogee County School District. He shaped the lives of many of us during his tenure at Baker.

The 1961 Arrowhead and 1985 Lions' Pride yearbooks were dedicated to Dr. Kirby.

Dr. Kirby held the BS, LLB, MA, and EdD degrees. He attended Duke University, George Peabody College, Vanderbilt University, and Wake Forest College.

Dr. Kirby died on January 9, 1985.


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03/22/10 08:27 PM #1    

Glenn Wells (Faculty 1966-71) (1960)

When he found out that I had dropped out of college at the end of 1961, Dr. Kirby asked me to come see him. He gave me a pep talk and had Mrs. Atkinson arrange for me to get a Vocational Rehabilitation scholarship at Columbus Junior College. Eventually that led to my teaching at Baker High for five years and CSU (part-time) for fourteen years. I can truly say that Dr. Kirby had a huge influence on my life, and I know I was only one of many.

10/24/15 04:05 PM #2    

Danny Williams (1975)

Rest in Peace


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