Baker High School

Dec 16, 2019 Luncheon
Photos contributed by Ismael S. NazarioBAKER QUARTERLY LUNCHEON SEPTEMBER 16, 2019
Dear Lions & Lioness:
I would like to start by apologizing, AGAIN, to many of you, for not getting around to greet you. It was another great Baker High School luncheon. We had 165 present and 5 first timers but I think that there were more.
It all started with the Saturday night“Baker Winter Gathering” at Cook’s Place with a great turned out even though the weather was cold.
There are two videos of the “Winter Gathering” as there was a car show in the morning. Thanks to Roy Cook and Diane for both events.
We had a great time and thanks to David Phillips for providing the video of both events. Please click on the You tube sites to see the Car Show and “Winter Gathering” videos. You may have to copy and paste.
Car Show:
Winter Gathering:
Next “Spring Gathering” is Saturday, March 14 at Cook’s Place. Mark it on your calendar and please register on line on the BHS website.
We had a great time singing Christmas Carols. Many saw us singing as you will also, in the video provided by David Phillips ’76 and Bumpy Lanier ’59. We are so blessed to have two Lions that, are so gifted in making DVD’s. So many thanks to them and also to our volunteers that do such a great job. The pictures have been downloaded on the web site, www.bakerlionspride.com, on “Lunch w/Lions Photos.
Please start planning for the March 14. 2020 for the, “Spring Gathering and the BHS Quarterly luncheon on March 16, 2020”. It will be here before you know it. It is something to look forward to. We are the Baker High Family. We support each other regardless of year of graduation. Live everyday like is your last day on earth.
Below is the BHS Luncheon video by David Phillips:
Below is the BHS luncheon from James “Bumpy” Lanier:
It was great to see our latest scholarship recipient, Alana Vaughn. Rodney Wolfinger, president of the BHS Alumni, is going to try to find out the progress of some of our past recipients. If you know of some personally, please send us a bio on their achievement.
Some of our waitresses, especially one of them, Edyie, have been waiting on us as to when we started at the Golden Corral, nine years ago. She explained that it was sad to see some of us depart to the Golden Corral in heaven with the rest of the gang.
Sandye and I wish to all of you a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Go Lions.
Ish & Sandye Nazario ’61 & ‘64