Baker High School

Sept 22, 2014 Luncheon
Recap of Baker High Quarterly Luncheon September 22, 2014
September 25, 2014
Dear Lion & Lioness:
Another GREAT turn out for the Baker High Quarterly luncheon. We had 140 in attendance and 10 for the first time. I think the rain that we had at lunch time discouraged some or the attendance would have been higher. We had four from the class of 1945. There were four in attendance over the age of 90 and did not look it. Some travel from great distance and many THANKS to the good LORD for providing safety for all. Joey Lawski, “Joseph The Magician” was at his best especially after the luncheon where he additionally entertained many to include guest of the Golden Corral. We took many pictures of which some are on the Baker Web Site. www.bakerlionspride.com. Click on “Lunch w/Lions Photos”. Bumpy Lanier ’59 did video some of the luncheon and there are so many good stories about some of the Baker folks that we are going to plan to do videos on them. Amazing stories from individuals in WW II to present that is worth noting. There is so much pride on been a “LION”. Some will getting together this Friday September 26, 2014 at “Cook’ Place” at 6:30 PM and are expecting many to attend. Some of my friends in the Atlanta area are asked by their friends and neighbor, “Why do you go just for a high school luncheon?”. Our luncheons are more than a luncheon. They are a mini reunions. I hope that you enjoyed the You Tube video below. Mark your calendar for our next luncheon on December 15, 2014. Please let me know if you are coming.
May GOD bless us all,
Ismael (Ish) Nazario ‘61