Baker High School

March 24, 2014 Luncheon
Lunch with Lions quarterly Luncheon 3-24-14 Recap
Dear Lion & Lioness:
Another great Luncheon. Coach Ball could not be present today as he was in Florida on a Soft Ball tournament along with the rest of his family. We had 150 in attendance and 11 first timers. Some traveled great distances, Orlando, Fl. Chattanooga, TN, Goshen and Indianapolis, IN, Atlanta, GA North and South Alabama and other places. This was a very lively crowd. I want to THANK all who sent me well wishes and visited me at St. Francis while I was getting my left knee replaced. I had forgotten the pain I experienced with my right knee and hip replacement but was reminded quickly of it. It is similar as to when a woman gives birth. She forgets the pain until the next one.
One of the first timers at the luncheon was Mr. Lewis Worth, (Teacher). He enjoyed the students who remembered him. I apologize that I did not get to greet all as I normally do but I was told to sit as much as possible because of the new knee.
Joey Lawski AKA “Joseph The Magician” BHS Class of 1967, entertained most of the crowd and was just great. I would like to hear your comments as to how you liked his magic show. Joey has a website www.hiltonheadmagic.com. Please check him out. Also, Joey is getting some very good specials for Hilton Head Resorts and from the clubs and restaurant where he performs. He has been at Hilton Head for 24 years. Joey and the Holiday Inn on Manchester are working on a deal so he can perform in the bar and restaurant area at times. He also does benefits for groups to include churches. If you were at the luncheon and enjoyed his magic please let him know at magician42648@yahoo.com. He was my radio show guest last Wed. It would be great if he would perform his magic locally. We have plenty of Lions that live locally and I think that they would support him.
The following video is 7 minutes long and it shows Joey doing some of his magic. I did not get to narrate it as I had to sit as much as possible. We have all of the luncheon pictures on the website, www.bakerlionspride.com but have not placed any names as of yet. Thanks to Barbara (Gilbert) Jordan as she posted some luncheon pictures on Facebook.
YouTube address:
Our next quarterly luncheon is June 16, 2014. Please mark it on your calendar.
Ismael (Ish) Nazario ‘61