Baker High School

June 17, 2013 Luncheon
Baker High Quarterly Luncheon , June 17, 2013 Recap
Dear Lion & Lioness:
It was another great luncheon. We had 140 present and 16 first timers. We had folks from Tennessee, State of Washington, Texas, South Carolina, Florida, Atlanta area, Alabama and I think MI. I want to first apologize to most of you because I did not get a chance to talk to you. Most usually, if I am lucky, just get to just greet and that is about it. I try to greet all. Sandye is also busy with the registration table as all of you have seen. We and the registration table do not get a chance to visit and eat until after the agenda. I left my notes at home so I forgot to recognize some folks like the Korean Vets and other veterans. I also forgot to recognize the four members of the class of 1945 that were present. The reason our end of the Golden Corral was warm was that the A/C for that side was down. It was so good to see some folks that have not seen each other in fifty years from the class of 1963. I recognize some that I had not seen since I graduated in 1961. It was the most members from the class of 1952 & 1953 that I have seen and thanks to Betty (Moon) Woodruff and Jimmy and Joy (Pritchett) Shierling for their efforts of contacting their classmates. I know that most like the idea of the new name tags but we still have glitches to correct. Hopefully by the end of the year we will have it all automated.
Our September Quarterly Luncheon is 9-23-2013. Please make plans and do call your friends and plan on another big reunion.
Please click on the YouTube address to see the luncheon video. I will be downloading the pictures on our web site, www.bakerlionspride.com. Click on Lunch w/LionsPhotos and select the luncheon date, June 17, 2013.
Luncheon Video
Ismael (Ish) Nazario