Baker High School

Dec 17, 2012 Luncheon
Baker High Quarterly Luncheon and Video of December 17, 2012
Dear Lion & Lioness:
Our December quarterly luncheon was just great just like the others. One surprise was that Coach Ball’s 1960 Basketball team was present and they posed together for pictures. We had 130 present and 11 first timers. We had Lions from class of 1948 to 1988 present. In my observations of both they felt like they were around family, the Baker High School family. Some have not seen each other since graduation. Several travel long distances such as northern Indiana, Tennessee, many from the Atlanta area, Savannah, Macon, Florida and through out Alabama as well as Georgia. I asked some, how was their trip to Columbus and they responded that it was a joy and just could not wait to get here to be with their friends. To several, the Baker family is the only family they have. I could just go on and talk about our luncheons and what it means for many but that would take too long. Enclosed are videos that James (Bumpy) Lanier ’59. Bumpy has been doing this for a long time and he and others are the reason that the luncheons are successful. It is not just me. I would like to acknowledge Lions that are on the luncheon team: Registration table, Sandye (Johnson) Nazario ’64, Carol (Williams) Merrill ’67, Judy (Smith) Wynn ’61 and James Massey, ’60. The lady that collects the tips for the waitresses Rhonda (Johnson) Schaefer ’63, Bumpy Lanier ’50, Roy Cook ’68 sound system and all of you that promotes our luncheons. Our next luncheon is on March 18, 2013 at the Golden Corral. The Golden Corral has been gracious in accommodating us. Our Lions tip the waitress well also, $240.00. The pictures have been downloaded on the web site, www.bakerlionspride.com. When you go in the site remember to look on your left and click on “Lunch w/Lions Photos” and select December 17, 2012. Please check the pictures and if you see an error please let meknow. May God Bless all of us.
Ismael (Ish) Nazario ‘61