Baker High School

March 19, 2012 Luncheon
Dear Lion & Lioness:
It is hard to find the correct words to describe our March quarterly luncheon. It was everything that I had hoped it would be and then some. We had 205 in attendance and of those 51 for the first time. We had 261 signed up and there were several that could not make it due to circumstances. We also celebrated Coach James A. (Bubba) Ball 90th birthday. We were visited by the news and television media, Phil Scoggins from WRBL in Columbus, McKenzie Patterson representative from WTVM and Richard Hyatt from the Ledger Enquirer were present to cover Coach Ball birthday and the luncheon. They, the media, were so impressed to see so many Baker Lions graduates from the class of 1945 to 1981 together at a luncheon that they were overwhelmed. The media also interviewed some of Coach Ball’s former players and also filmed the Baker Lions mingling with each other and the entire agenda. Hopefully they will air most of it if for any reason to let the Columbus folks, especially the Muscogee County School Board that only the Baker High building is gone but not the Baker Lions spirit.
It was so gratifying to see many that had not seen each other since their graduation renewing their friendship. It was emotional for some. Many congratulated me on a successful luncheon but I will tell you that I did not and could not have done if it wasn’t for my wife Sandye (Johnson) Nazario ’64 and all of the volunteers which are many. On the registration table there were James & Linda Massey ’60, Carol (Williams) Merrill ’67, Deby (Strong) Crain ’71, Judy (Smith) Wynn ’61, Pat Haick wife of Nick Haick ’63, Kay Payne wife of Jimmy Payne ’64, Sound system and song director Roy (Sunshine) Cook ’68, video and pictures by James (Bumpy) Lanier ’59, Diane (Storey) Lanier ’62, pictures Cindy (Fucci) Johns ’65, telephone calling, Donnie Murphy’59, collecting tips for the waitresses were Rhonda (Johnson) Schafer ’63, Josie (Birch) Millirons ’63, Terry (Nunnally) Todd ‘73 for advertising the luncheon on the Baker web site and all of you for calling your friends to remind them of the luncheons. It is all a team effort. The Golden Corral has done a great job in helping to accommodate us all and Gene Grantham class of ’76 and sales manager at the Holiday Inn on Manchester Expressway for offering discount accommodations to our out of town Lions that needed accommodations. We also had humor provided by Jimmy Martin ‘61 when he ripped his pants seat open and did not know it. We will share those pictures.
Since we had such a large group we are going to restructure and ask for more volunteers to include the attendance list as I ran out room. There were over one hundred pictures that hopefully will get on to the www.bakerlionspride.com web site. If you have a problem downloading on the web site please e-mail them to me and I know that Terry will help.
The only regret that I have with the luncheon was that we did not have a chance to talk to individuals like we have in the past. There are 5 video segments for this luncheon. I know that you will enjoy each and every one and hopefully you will feel as if you were at the luncheon. I could go on and on but the videos will speak for themselves. Our next one is Monday, June 18, 2012. Write it on your calendar. May the good LORD bless us all. Thanks.
Ismael (Ish) Nazario ‘61
1. Coach Ball addressing the luncheon:2. Roy (Sunshine) Cook '68 lead all in the Baker Cheer song3. The singing of Baker High School Alma Mater by all:4. Coach Ball's birthday cake:5. Lions mingling with one another and this is not the only spot where they were mingling:
REMEMBER WHEN: BAKER LIONS as seen by Phil Scroggins, WRBL TV
Phil recorded this at our last "Lunch with Lions", March 19, 2012, as we celebrated Coach Bubba Ball's 90th birthday!