Baker High School

1945- 1991
March 14, 2011 Luncheon
Dear Lion & Lioness:
WOW. It was the largest attendance to date. One hundred and sixty, (160) were in attendance. Thirty-six first timers. There was much, much excitement in the air. There were so many that I did not have the time to greet each and everyone. The registration tables were a mad house. Many Many THANKS to our registration crew. As usual, they did an outstanding job. The crew are Sandye (Johnson) '64 Nazario, Peggy (Johnson) '53 Keller, Pat (Hodge)' 56 Evans, Jimmy Payne '64 and his wife Kaye, John Crimmel '70, Diane (Storey) '62 Lanier, Mary (Layfield) '67 Guzik, B. J. (Mills) '72 Johnson. Photographers were Cindy (Fucci) Johns '65, Terry Nunnally '73 and James (Bumpy) Lanier '59. Collecting "Tips" Rhonda (Johnson) '63 Shafer. Sound system Roy (Sunshine) Cook '68 Behind the scenes James Massey '60 and his wife Linda. If I left anyone out, I apologize. We had Lions from Indiana, Florida, TN, Atlanta area, Warner Robins, Pine Mountain all around Columbus area and Phenix City area. I am sure that I have left some far away places so I apologize for that.
I will repeat some of the announcements made at the luncheon.
1. Attending were Curley Harmon class of 1962 that is coordinating the class of 1962 Cruise 50 YR Class reunion. If you are interested in attending because it is open to any one Curly's e-mail is bharman2000@hotmail.com.
2. Deby (Strong) Crain class of 1971. Deby is the Author who is writing the Baker books. If you would like to share your memories of Baker with Deby, her e-mail is dcrain@aflac.com. I am sure that she would welcome your comments.
3. Coach Bubba Ball, Monday was his 89th birthday and he is till kicking. He has not missed a luncheon in over a year.
4. Biographies: I think that in the future I will not read anymore biographies because they are too long and most come together to the luncheons to socialize. I plan on doing Mr. Boyles again as I did not do much justice at all. As all of you noticed, where my glasses were broken and kept sliding down my nose. When I straightened them, I would then see doubles. I could not place influence where I wanted to. Some could not hear because of the noise in the rest of the restaurant or sitting too far away from the sound system. So instead we are going to do the bio's in video interview setting with quietness and good pair of reading glasses, to You Tube and place it on the Baker High web site, www.bakerlionspride.com for all to see and enjoy. Not only are we doing bio's on our faculty that were involved in WWII but on some of our students that were involved in WWII.
I think that over all, everyone had a fantastic time and enjoyed their meal. I apologize if I did not get to greet you.
The flag pole was erected on Sunday March 13, 2011. Many were present to help and some of the girls, to cheer the guys and tell them what to do.
to view pictures of this event. Some of the bricks that were not sold are going to be used to build a small wall around the flag pole and hopefully have it ready for April 9, 2011, Flag Day at Cook's place in Columbus, GA. A very large crowd is expected for that event.

Pictures of the luncheon are already downloaded in the web site www.lionspride.com. Click on Lunch w/Lions Photos. I hope to have them all identified soon.
Later this week I will start sending the reservation notices for the June 13, 2011 luncheon. Many THANKS for all of you all support. It is very appreciated. See you all and may GOD Bless us all.
Ismael (Ish) Nazario '61