Baker High School

1945- 1991
December 13,2010 Luncheon
Dear Lion & Lioness:
What a great time we had today. The official count of attendance was 113 folks today. I can not describe the atmosphere at the Golden Corral, but, it was at an all time high as usual. We had 18 first timers. Some of the first timers from the class of 1973 were so ecstatic that they notified me that they will be there again. The weather was cold and many called and advised me, that, because of the weather, they will not be able to attend and I appreciate their messages, especially some from the Atlanta area. However, others from the Atlanta area, showed up and also from the Orlando, FL area. Many of us shared with close friends some of our tribulations such as ailments and other hardships with our own families. What an honor that they trust us to listen to their burdens. I did not mind at all sharing my shoulder replacement experiences with others. I think that I am through replacement any more parts. I think that 4 parts are enough. Sandye and I and others were the last to leave and that was about 4:30 PM or later. One member said that we could have ate supper.
I want to THANK, from the bottom of my heart, those that helped with the registration. That is an essential part of our program because we can keep with all. Sandye and I are so blessed to know so many folks from Baker from this luncheons experience. I know that in March 14, 2011 we will have a larger crowd if the weather permits it.
Several folks also took a registration form the 1961 class reunion in October 7, 8 and 9th in October, 2011. I have received some applications with their money for the 50 yr class reunion. Everyone is invited to the class of 1961, 50 yr class reunion. If you are in need of a registration form please let me know. It is going to be a ball, I promise you that.
In closing many pictures were taken and as soon as they are down loaded in the Baker Web site, www.bakerlionspride.com, I will announce it. Many THANKS to all that were responsible for the success of this luncheon. They were many and you know who you are so THANKS.
Wishing all of you a Very Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year. May the GOOD LORD BLESS us all.
Ismael (Ish) Nazario '61