Yearbook Photos Yourself

Upload Yearbook Photos Yourself
(Follow same Instructions for Master, Then, Now photos...)

Lions - You can upload your Yearbook photos to your profiles.

How To:

Left side of your screen, under Member Functions, click on Edit Profile

Click on your "Yearbook" box.....   (or Master (this is the first photo on the left), Then, Now.... depending .....)
Click on "Select Photo"


Upper left, click on "Upload a New Photo".... You'll have an opportunity to browse your computer or photo library to find where your Yearbook photo is located (if it isn't on your computer'll need to scan it in or if it isn't in your photo library - you'll need to photograph it on your iphone, ipad, etc.), click on it to upload it... 

Once it is displayed, Click on the photo

You'll get a chance to preview it and adjust it to your liking...once you're okay with to SAVE.... you'll be brought back to your Profile screen..... and your Yearbook photo is now in place!