Baker High School

1945- 1991
Sept 20, 2010 Luncheon
Dear Lion & Lioness:
What can I say other than it was another fantastic reunion/lunch. Before I go any further, I would like to acknowledge our registration volunteers: Sandye Johnson Nazario '64, John Crimmel '70, Pat Hodge Evans '56, Peggy Johnson Keller '53, James and Linda Massey '60 Peggy Best Martin '61, Jane Stewart Brown '60. Cindy Fucci Johns '65 for taking pictures and a special THANKS also to Roy (Sunshine) Cook for the use of his sound system and Ewell Pritchett for the blessing. The blessing was a little late as we had technical difficulty with the sound system. I also want to thank the volunteers that called the folks that do not have e-mail. Without the help of all of these folks the luncheon would not be as successful. We can use more folks at the registration table so the present ones can mingle with their friends. Do not be afraid to volunteer. The response that I get from the present ones, is that they enjoy meeting other Baker folks and look forward to the next luncheon.
We had 127 person in attendance and 27 for the first time. Unbelievable. We had folks that had traveled from the state of Oklahoma, Ft. Meyers, FL area, Atlanta is always represented, Greensboro, GA, Orlando, FL and TN. If I have forgotten others I apologize. The class of 1961 was the dominant but others were close. The classes of the 1940's and 1950's, their attendance is growing at a rapid pace. Sandye and I left at 3:15 PM and there were still about a tenth still chatting with friends. The waitress were appreciative of the tips left. It was $169.00. Thanks to all. We are at a point that if every one shows up that we will have to reserve the entire Golden Corral. As far as the pictures, I will be getting together with Terry Nunally and she will down load them on the Web page so all can see them at any time probably with music.
Our next luncheon is on December 13, 2010. I will be sending out notices this week. I am looking forward to this Decembers luncheon as I hope more than 150 will be in attendance. I guess to sum it all up I would say that the Baker High School family is alive and well. The spirit is and will remain high. Lets all thanks the GOOD LORD for that. May GOD bless all of us.
Ismael (Ish) Nazario '61