March 18, 2024 Luncheon

Dear Lions and Lioness:


The get together at Cook's on Saturday night was lots of fun with only about 50 present.  We had some storm warnings and most likely the reason we did not have anymore.

Enclosed is Saturday night get together video by David Phillips. 


We had another great luncheon with 69 in attendance and two 1st timers.  Our next luncheon is June 17, 2024.  Please mark it on your calendar.  We had 20 Lions pass away this time.  We have lost so many Lions in the past 20 years, that Sandye and I have been doing these luncheons.  We thought of those who started that are no longer with us but, are looking down smiling at us.  I don’t know how much longer we can keep this up but according to our old coach, Bubba Ball, said that, "Baker will die when the last Lion dies".  The BHS spirit is strong and well.  Perhaps we can get the news media to visit us on our next luncheon in June.  Our first half the pot went to Art R. '60 won $84.00.  The other half went to BHSAA to help with the scholarships and expenses.

We had three Veterans interviews already.  In case you missed them they are:

1.    Watch "Donald Ray Johnston BHS 66" Medal of Honor Recipient" on YouTube 

2.       Lance Hartman BHS 1968 

3.        Ismael (Ish) Nazario '61 

Many THANKS to David Phillips (’76) for videoing the entire luncheon so we can place it on You Tube and we can send the site to all others Lions that could not attend and lives far away as Hawaii, Puerto Rico and through out the United States.

Luncheon Video for March 18, 2024


See all of you in June 17th 2024

Ismael (Ish) Nazario '61

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