Sept 18 2023 Lucheon

RECAP of Fall Luncheon September 18, 2023


Dear Lions & Lioness:

Another great luncheon with 65 in attendance and 00 first timers.  I would like to explain how we started placing our luncheon videos on You Tube.  I, myself, started that around 20 years ago.  James (Bumpy) Lanier ’59 with the aid of his wife Diane, would not only video but also take pictures, of not only the luncheons but reunions as well.  We have BHS Lions throughout the US, Germany, Hawaii and Puerto Rico.  All of these Lions have written to me in Thanks for bringing the occasion to them in far away places.  It gave all of us the greatest satisfaction that, we were taking our luncheons and reunions to fellow Lions and Lioness.

Then, years later, another joined us in helping us with the videos, David Phillips ’76 and we are so fortunate to have David.  Bumpy Lanier is shooting videos in heaven as we lost him not long ago.

Our numbers of Lions and Lioness, that have passed on, are getting larger.  Too many have gone that attended luncheons on a regular basis.  This time we only lost 10 that we know of.  Every luncheon, we loose anywhere, from 10 to 23.  This is why I encourage all to attend luncheons as much as possible and reminisce.  It is what we do best at our gatherings.  When we get together we are automatically 20 years younger.  Many of who lives far as 3 hrs. Away, cannot drive as far anymore.  I can understand that.

Our winter luncheon is December 11, 2023.  It will be here before you know it.

David Phillips, our video man, could not attend this luncheon as he was out of town.

Please make every effort to attend our Christmas luncheon.  If you miss it you will only regret it on December 11, 2023.  Thanks.

Ismael (Ish) Nazario ‘61


Sandra Duncan Jenkins
22 Photos  9/19/23
Gwenette Johnson Garner
30 Photos  9/21/23