March 22, 2021 Lunch

Photos contributed by Catherine Ann Cameron Bowden

RECAP of BHS luncheon March 22, 2021

Dear Lions and Lioness:

We had a very successful luncheon with 68 in attendance and 7 first timers.  In some places we were packed like sardines but there were new friendships been made.  The food was delicious.  Our two waitresses, Theresa and Stacy did an outstanding job and were very grateful for the tips.

Lenny Shores ’64 was filming some of it and hopefully he will be able to down load it for all to see.  Many took pictures and hopefully they will download it on the BHS web-site.  We had three that traveled from Florida and a few from the Atlanta area.  What about our cheerleaders led by Annette (Johnson) Kocian 64.  Even the regular customers got involved in it.  Some of the customers told me and others, they wish their school had something like we have.

Thanks to our own Minister Ewell Pritchett ’61 for leading us in grace and praying for the 25 deceased lions and for all of us.

The most senior Lions were, Pat (Yates) Kelly ’53 and Charles DelRoy Burns’55. The youngest was Zelia (Gibson) Morris ’84.

Our next luncheon is on June 21, 2021.  As of right now, we will have it at the same place, Country Road Buffet.  We are hoping the Golden Corral will reopen and then we can fit all in there as before.  At first I thought it was going to be difficult seating our lions but the cooperation was great with no problem.

Thanks to the volunteers on the registration table, Sandye (Johnson) Nazario ‘64, Ann (Bridges) Bennett ’63, Lucia (Wells) Heldreth ’64 and Peggy (Bridges) Mitchell.  They did a great job.

Thanks to all that kept us in their prayers to make it a safe and successful luncheon.  Thanks.

 Ismael (Ish) Nazario ‘61