Baker High School

June 17, 2019 Luncheon
Photos contributed by Ismael S. NazarioRECAP of Baker High Luncheon
June 17, 2019
Dear Lions and Lioness:
We had 146 present. As usual, at our luncheons, the excitement and spirit of the BHS Lions was very high. We also had 9 for the first time. Some folks traveled from long distances such as Atlanta, middle GA, Florida, southern GA, Virginia, Carolina's, Alabama and I am sure other areas.
The “Get Together at Cook’s” was well attended. I would estimate at least 70 or perhaps more. Thanks to Roy Cook ’68 for the use of his restaurant and to Jack Warren ’65 for organizing it. Rodney Wolfinger ’69, president of the Alumni Association was there selling BHS memorabilia. Many THANKS to our volunteers that, help in the registration table, take video, pick up the tips for the waitresses and I am sure I am leaving someone out who makes the luncheons successful. It is not just one person.
Sadly, I was made aware of two deaths: Robert Childrey BHS 1958 and Bob Willschem husband of Linda (Martin) Willschem BHS 1964. Bob and Linda were at most of our quarterly luncheons.
On our next luncheon, I am going to have a surprise for all of you. Actually two surprises. I will give you all a hint. We are going to meet more folks than normal. I will leave it at that. Also we have a surprise for all the former BHS football players. We might have a prize for that. I know none of you would not want to miss this September 16, 2019 luncheon.
Please click on the site below to see our 14 minute video. I have placed the pictures on the web site also. Thanks and we will see all of you on JUNE 17, 2019.
The pictures are already posted on the BHS web site. Thanks.
Ismael (Ish) Nazario ‘61