Baker High School

March 18, 2019 Lunch
Photos contributed by Ismael S. NazarioRECAP of Baker High Luncheon
March 18, 2019
Dear Lions and Lioness:
We had 176 present. As usual, at our luncheons, we felt the excitement and spirit of the BHS Lions. We also had 11 for the first time. Some folks traveled from long distances such as Atlanta, middle GA, Florida, southern GA, Virginia, Carolina's, Alabama and I am sure other areas. We had some other Baker graduates eating at the Golden Corral that, did not know about the luncheons. Sandye, my wife, after we finally sat to eat, next to our table she ran into a classmate from her class of 1964 that was visiting in Columbus and she had not seen her in a long time. There at least three.
At the “Get Together at Cook’s”, was well attended. I would estimate at least 100 or perhaps more. Thanks to Roy Cook ’68 for the use of his restaurant and to Jack Warren ’65 for organizing it. Rodney Wolfinger ’69, president of the Alumni Association was there selling BHS memorabilia, Terry Nunnally was there collecting dues. So many THANKS to our volunteers that, help in the registration table, take video, pick up the tips for the waitresses and I am sure that I am leaving some out is what makes the luncheons successful. It is not just one person.
We also had among our distinguish Lions a two BHS football stars Alonzo Jones BHS 1983 and Fred Banks BHS 1980. Fred went to play in NFL for 8 years with the Cleveland Browns and Miami Dolphins. It shows just the BHS talent that we have. Incidentally Fred Banks was not the only one to play in the NFL as we had others. We have had other fields that BHS Talent has stood tall and strong.
Our next luncheon will be on Monday, June 17, 2019.
Please click on the site below to see our 14 minute video. I have placed the pictures on the web site also. Thanks and we will see all of you on JUNE 17, 2019.