Dear Lions & Lioness:
What a great time we had at our BHS Christmas Luncheon. We had 154 in attendance and 6 first timers. First, I would like to apologize for not getting to greet or talk to hardly many of you. I was too busy convincing folks to come and sing Christmas Carols. Bumpy explained to me that, some of the singing that he videoed, something happened to the sound. The video was originally 30 minutes long and he had to cut it short, so he deleted some of the singing without sound. Bumpy’s video is 13 minutes long. Our most senior singers were from the class of 1945 and the class of 1948. I feel that we might have had more present if it had not rained. All had a great time. Many could not also come because of health issues and too far to drive due to the rain. However we all felt their presence of their spirit.
We had dancing at the Golden Corral and what about those cheerleaders from the class of 1964. They can still jump just not as high.
Our next luncheon is March 18, 2019. We felt good in sending prayers to our sick and deceased lions led by Ewell Pritchett class of 1961. Some of us were kidding about the fact that, here we are on December 2018 and it was a long way from 1961 the year that, we graduated. 57 years to be exact. For the graduate of the class of 1945 makes 73 years ago. What a blessing to still be around. It is amazing as how young we feel when we get together at the luncheons or any other Baker High function.
I would also like to THANK all of the volunteers especially our two new ones Carolyn’64 and James ‘73.
Click on the site below to see Bumpy’s video of the BHS Luncheon.
David Phillips '76 video.
Ismael (Ish) Nazario ‘61