Baker High School

Sept 17, 2018 Luncheon
Photos contributed by Ismael S. NazarioRECAP of the Baker High School luncheon September 17, 2018.
Dear Lions and Lioness:
We had a great time. We had 145 present and five first timers. First timers were from, Columbus, Florida and Louisiana.
I would like to apologize for not getting around to greet some of you. I saw quite a few that I did not get to greet such as Mrs Harris and her family and many others.
We had a live bunch of Lions and what about the remodeling at the Golden Corral? John Gilbert, Manager, did a great job and the food was excellent. It was very nice to see some of the Lions who had not seen each other in years. I was somewhat disappointed with the amount that was left, $159.00, for our waitresses when we have been averaging $198.00. Two of the girls have been waiting on the Baker group for at least 10 years. In December lets all show our gratitude to them by being generous with your tip to them. They earn it.
Our next luncheon is December 10, 2018. Please get your Christmas clothes ready and we are going to sing Christmas Carols as we have in the past. Get your group ready. We would like to make this one the largest yet as, unfortunately, some of us might not be here for the next one.
These luncheons are more than a luncheon per se. It is a place where the Baker family gets together. Some of us have lost love ones, spouses of many years and friends. The luncheons provide an avenue to meet with friends and MEET new friends to help cope with the emptiness in us. Your love for your loved one will never end but, by asking the good LORD for help to cope with it and getting together with your friends can help fill the void that you are experiencing. There is no point in being home bound and feeling sorry for yourself. It is time to do something about it and come and gather with our Baker family.
Please click on the You Tube site below to see the 6 minute video made by Bumpy Lanier ’59.
Please remember to mark your calendar for December 10, 2018. You can now start calling your reservations in also. The pictures on the web site have been loaded. Thanks,
Ismael ‘Ish’ Nazario ‘61