Baker High School

June 18, 2018 Luncheon
Baker High School June 18, 2018 Luncheon
Dear Lions & Lioness:
I would like to start by apologizing to many of you, for not getting around to greet you and for drawing so many mental blanks as to names. It was another great Baker High School luncheon with 175 in attendance and 14 first timers. More Lions came in after 2:00 PM. All of the luncheons are great but in someway different. The June luncheon was no different. A special event was when Joyce (Ramsey) Weekley BHS 1945, was surprised and honored, that, a little tinkle came out of her eyes when she was surprised. Roy Cook, ’68 was showing a picture of Joyce’s senior picture to all to see if anyone knew her. Two knew who she was but, kept it quite. It was a total surprise to her however, lots of people and her family knew what we were doing. Many thanks to Maurice Jenkins ’49 and his sister Denise (Jenkins) Constan ’50, for donating 6 annuals raging back 1945. Terry (Nunnally) will take care of them and scan them to the website.
Rodney Wolfinger ’69, president of the Baker Alumni Association, sold almost all of the memorabilia that he had on display. He will again have a display in the September 17, 2018 luncheon.
Terry (Nunnally) Gutman ’73, Renee (Phillips) Vollentine ‘75 and others, collected many annual dues, including yours truly. It doesn’t get any easier to pay your dues.
The class of 1963, Rhonda (Johnson) Shafer, Jane (Johnson) Waldrop, and others, were advertising their 55 year class reunion with several signing for it. All are invited. I know that it will be a blast. Go to the Website, www.bakerlionspride.com/ for more information.
Coach Ball Health Update: Foster Watkins, class of 1955, talked to Coach Ball Monday after the luncheon as asked me to pass the information enclosed.
Ish: I talked to Coach Ball this Tuesday morning. He is under hospice care at home. He seemed to be in good spirits and handling things well! I plan on going to see him as soon as I can get back to Columbus! He and Henry Hicks (55) are about in the same health condition. - - Foster
There are two luncheon videos:
1. Made by David Phillips 1973:
2. Made by Bumpy Lanier 1959:
The reason that we ask all that are coming to the luncheons are so we can make a name tag for you and also be able to identify you as I place names of the luncheon on the website. When your picture is been taken by either Bumpy Lanier’59 or Cindy (Fucci) Johns ’65, please make certain that the camera shows your name tag clearly. I know lots of people but not all and if I can’t make out the name I have to leave it blank with a ?.
The luncheons provide a mini reunion where you can reminisce with friends your days at Baker High. It will automatically make you feel at least 30 years younger. You can stay for however long you want to stay and go back home and sleep in your own bed. Some of us have searched if any other school does what we do and we have found none. There are other Baker High School in the country. When searching on You Tube make certain that you type Baker High School Columbus, GA
It was interesting when two former schools Superintendent met and discussing shop. Hopefully we will have all of the former Principals at our next luncheon.
Our next luncheon is going to be Monday, September 17, 2018. It will be here before you realize it. It seems that the older we get the faster times goes by. Thanks.
Ismael (Ish) Nazario ‘61