Baker High School

Sept 18, 2017 Luncheon
Photos contributed by Ismael S. NazarioBAKER HIGH QUARTERLY LUNCHEON SEPT 18, 2017 RECAP
Dear Lions & Lioness:
Another great BHS Quarterly luncheon. We had 153 present and probably more since some new folks did not stop by to register and others came in later. Many first timers that had not seen each other in a very long time. We also had our Muscogee County Marshall present, Greg Countryman BHS 1984 and he was not surprised to see so many as the BHS blood runs thick. We had three new events during the agenda:
1. BHS Alumni awarded Baker Middle School awarded $1000.00 for uniforms. Presenting the check was Jack Benedict & Woody Royster to Yvette Jones, the guidance director.
2. The Alumni Association also awarded 7 each $1000.00 scholarships.
3. A prayer was said for all of the departed Lions, all of the Lions that are ill and some terminally ill, for peace within oursefls, for the victims of hurricane Harvey, Irma, Jose and soon to be Maria and for our country. The prayer was led by our own Chaplain Paul Voorhees BHS ’64.
NOTE: If you are not a member of the Alumni Association please consider joining as this is where our money goes in addition to supporting the BHS Web site, bakerlionspride.com. Please go to the website and click on “BHS Alumni Association for more information and to join. It is only $20.00 per year.
If you wish to see the TV clip about our donation at the Golden Corral please go to:
Please click on this You Tube site to see our luncheon video.
and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
Please mark your calendar for Monday December 11, 2017 for our Christmas BHS Luncheon. Gather a small group from your class to sing one Christmas Carol. Dress the part and let’s start getting in the Christmas spirit. Please click on the address below and see a video of what fun we had in September luncheon. May GOD bless all of us and the United States of America. Thanks,
Ismael (Ish) Nazario ‘61
PS: Sorry that it took so long but I had computer problems preventing me from downloading anything.