Baker High School

June 19, 2017 Luncheon
Baker High Quarterly Luncheon RECAP
June 19, 2017
Dear Lion & Lioness:
We had 171 present and 23 first timers. It was a very lively bunch of lions. Many drove from long distances and quite a few drove from the Atlanta area. There were some from the class of 1950 that had not seen other classmates in years as well as some from the class of 1959. Our luncheons provide more than just a meal. When we gather together, we are automatically younger. You can feel the excitement in the air from all not just a few. We all share are families and to some we also share our sorrows as we have lost a loved one. Our Baker High School building is gone but our spirits are at all time high.
Our next luncheon will be in September 18, 2017. It will be here before you know it. Isn’t it amazing as to how time flies as we have gotten older? I have to apologize to those that I did not get around to see. Some paid tribute to Coach Ball for been the example that he made on them especially when their father were in Vietnam. Sadly Coach Ball is the only WWII veteran that comes to the luncheon. We used to have about 5. I think and they have gone to a better world. We have some Korea, Vietnam and Gulf Veterans. As most of you know that BHS had a Medal of Honor recipient Donald (Skeeter) Johnston BHS 1966.
Terry (Nunnally) Gutman BHS 1973 reported 25 new Lions joined the Alumni Association and twelve (12) members paid their annual dues. This is just great as the Alumni Association does a great job.
Please click on the link below to see the 8 minute video of the luncheon. I hope to have the pictures of the luncheon named soon.
Hope to see all of you on September 18, 2017.
Ish Nazario '61