Baker High School

March 20, 2017 Luncheon
March 20, 2017
Dear Lion & Lioness:
What a high spirited luncheon we had to include the celebration of Coach Bubba Ball’s 95 th Birthday. We had 180 in attendance. I apologize for not recognizing the first timers and we had at least 20. I also apologize for not greeting some of you. As for my speech defect it is back to normal today. I pick up my dental plate that I broke on Sat. evening, after the luncheon. I lost some weight since I had to eat soft food. I know that some of you can relate to that. Thanks to Roy (Sunshine) Cook ’68 for helping out with the Agenda.
Bumpy Lanier, BHS 1959 took video and film that I am going to try to get on local news, Ledger Enquirer and of course “You Tube”. I want to Thank, Jackie (Tillman) Harty ’62 for the inspirational letter written to Coach Ball. Also thanks to Paul Furgeson BHS 1964 for the inspirational emotional statement as to what Coach Ball meant to him while Paul’s father was serving in Vietnam. It brought tears to some. I thought of how unique the celebration of Coach Ball as some of one of his players and one of the cheerleaders are over the age of 80 and are here to celebrate their coach’s 95thbirthday. Coach Ball started at Baker in November 1951. I am going to try to print other “Reflections” from former athletes about Coach Ball and will share with all of you.
Our Baker High Luncheons are very special as it is like a family coming together to share the great times that we had at Baker regardless of what years you went. It also gives us a reason to get out at least once every three months. It keeps us young at heart. You folks make it what is now and it has lasted for at least 13 years. Many THANKS to our volunteers. If you would like to help, on the registration or otherwise, please let me know. It is fun getting to know all of the Baker folks.
Please click on the You-Tube site below to see the 10 minute video of the luncheon.
The pictures have been downloaded to the website but it is going to take me sometime to fill in all of the names. Some of the names are not very clear so I might ask you all to help identify the pictures. Also, somehow, some of the pictures from the last luncheon and not this luncheon got posted. I will try to straighten that problem. Please mark your calendar for June 19th, 2017 for our Summer luncheon. Thanks.
Ismael (Ish) Nazario ‘61