Baker High School

June 20, 2016 Luncheon
Photos contributed by Ismael S. NazarioBAKER QUARTERLY LUNCHEON RECAP JUNE 20, 2016
Dear Lions & Lioness:
Just when I expected the smallest crowd in years at our Baker Quarterly luncheon, I was proved wrong. I had 124 registered but I had many call and due to much sickness and just change of plans, I told Sandye if we have 100 I will be surprised. Well we had 140 in attendance. We counted later some came in late and some did not register at the registration table. This crowd was very lively and there were some that had not seen each other in many years. Even myself, I had not seen Chuck Todd in a very long time. There were others as well. We had 11 first timers. One such person was from the class of 1976 and she was so delighted she is going to make sure all of her friends know about our Baker luncheons. Please let's keep some of our senior classmates from the class of 1945 that needs prayers. Some of our first timers were from classes of the late 1940’s and they were so delighted. Many THANKS to our volunteers. They are the reason our luncheons are a success. If any of you would like to volunteer, please let me know.
The next Baker Quarterly Luncheon is September 19, 2016. Please mark it on your calendar and let me know very soon if you are coming so we can make your name tag. If you wish to forward this RECAP to another Baker Lion, please do and I can be contacted for reservations or placing your name on the Luncheon roster atInazario43@aol.com. The Baker Quarterly Luncheon pictures will be on the Baker website today, (bakerlionspride.com) and click on Lunch/Lions Photos. Wishing you all a Happy Summer.
Please on the link to view our Luncheon video. Thanks
Ismael (Ish) Nazario ‘61