Baker High School

Dec 14, 2015 Luncheon
RECAP of Baker Quarterly Luncheon December 14, 2015
Dear Lions & Lioness:
I would first like to apologize to some of you for not getting around to greet you. It seemed that time just flew by and before I knew it was over however we still had another fantastic Baker High quarterly luncheon regardless of the rain that we had which I feel that it kept some from coming. We had 141 present and 12 first timers. We had folks that drove from some long distances such as Eatonton, Atlanta GA, Hilton Head, S.C., southern Georgia, North Georgia, north and south Alabama, Florida and I am sure other places.
The electricity was certainly in the air as usual as to when the Baker Lions get together. I have the best sales team and it is you the Baker Lions. You are what makes our luncheons successful and what about the volunteers, they are just great. We collected $289.00 in tips to be divided between the three waitresses that waited on us.
Many pictures were taken by Cindy Fucci ’65 and Bumpy Lanier ‘[59 and we will post them very soon. We had a problem with the main video camera so we did not get to sing Christmas. The cheerleaders were great and thanks to Gwennette (Johnson) Garner ’64 for leading the charge.
Our next luncheon is March 21, 2016. Please mark it on your calendar.
Click on this site to see the Luncheon videos.
Ismael (Ish) Nazario ‘61