Baker High School

Sept 23, 2013 Luncheon
Baker High School Quarterly Luncheon Recap 9-23-2013
Dear Lion & Lioness;
Another “GREAT” attendance. The head count was 201 but we know that some bypassed the registration table. We think that there were at least 15 first timers. We had Lions flying from Hawaii, North Dakota, Indiana and Ohio and possibly other areas of which I am unaware. When I asked, during the agenda, to please stand if you drove over 50 miles it was just amazing. Some of those said they left before 6:00 AM to make sure that they made it on time considering the stops along the way. When Sandye and I got to the Golden Corral, there were some waiting. What pride and enthusiasm. That makes the work that is involved in these luncheons worth it. I apologize for not having any time to talk to some of you. I try to welcome all. Please note on your calendar Monday, December 16, 2013 for our next luncheon. We ask that you PLEASE stop by the registration table and register so we can have an accurate count. I would like to recognize the following who are a very vital part of this luncheon. Registration table: James Massey ’60, Carol (Williams) Merrill ’67 and Sandye (Johnson) Nazario ’64, Sound system Roy (Sunshine) Cook ’68, tip ladies were Rhonda (Johnson) Shafer ’63 and Carol Moye Balderson’63, Picture taking was Cindy (Fucci) Johns ’65 and James (Bumpy) Lanier ’59 for pictures and videos. My heartfelt THANKS to these great folks. Be sure to watch both YouTube videos as there are some folks that we have on one but not the other. Again, please mark your calendar, December 16, 2013 and PLEASE call in early with your registration.
REGISTRATION TABLE. It takes approximately 6 volunteers to work registration. If you would be willing to assist with registration, PLEASE let me know. Thanks.
Ismael (Ish) Nazario ‘61
10 minute Video
https://www.youtube.com/5QyNV3ka0k0 0
15 Minute Video