Baker High School

1945- 1991
June 18, 2012 Luncheon
Dear Lion & Lioness:
Another great Baker High School luncheon at the Golden Corral. They just get better each time we have them. Attending were 145 and 23 for the first time. There are 17 video segments and each runs an average of one to four minutes. I don't think that Bumpy Lanier '59 and I missed hardly anyone. Our objective was to try to film all that were there and for you to make some kind of comment to the camera. It was funny as some were just talking away until I asked them to say something for the folks at home, all of the sudden they became speechless. Some were thinking so hard that I thought that they were going to have a stroke. I could talk about our luncheons all day but as we all know that a picture is worth a thousand words. As I have been told, that when you come to the luncheons you experience warmth, youth and love. Share these videos with your Baker friends that do not have a computer or not on our list. I have started naming the folks in pictures on the Baker website, "Lunch w/Lions Photos. Hope to see more in September. You will not regret it.
Ismael (Ish) Nazario '61
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