Baker High School

1945- 1991
Dec 12, 2011 Luncheon
Dear Lion & Lioness:
The December 12, 2011 luncheon at the Golden Corral was another success one. We had 126 attending of which 19 for the 1st time. We had first timer for the class of 1945 and two Ish's were present. It was lots of fun. Some traveled from great distance. Bumpy Lanier filmed 10 videos in groups. The videos are not very long. The videos will tell you what kind of fun we had at the luncheon. Please make plans for the March 19, 2012 luncheon as we are going to honor one of our faculty on his birthday and for his accomplishments . I welcome your comments. Thanks.
Ismael (Ish) Nazario '61
1st Luncheon video 12-12-11:2nd Luncheon Video 12-12-11:3rd Luncheon video 12-12-11:4th Luncheon Video 12-12-11:5th Luncheon Video 12-12-11:6th Luncheon Video 12-12-11:7th Luncheon Video 12-12-11:8th Luncheon Video 12-12-11:9th Luncheon Video 12-12-11: