Baker High School

1945- 1991
June 13, 2011 Luncheon
Dear Lion & Lioness:
Wow, Wow. It just gets better. The Golden Corral reserved for us the entire south side of the restaurant. That is part that we usually get reserved. This time we had the entire side of the restaurant and it was full. We did not have an accurate count of the attendance as we had some new folks at the registration. It was the usual mad house. Many THANKS to all the helped at the registration. Several of our regulars had other commitments. I estimated between 165 to 175. Sandye could not account for maybe 140. Hopefully we will have a accurate count in September.
I would like to start by apologizing to many as I was kind of abrupt with some. I apologize for that. Sandye and I got there kind of later than usual and some tried to get my attention and we had to hurry to set up tables, name tags and so on. Then also while we were filming, some tried to get my attention and since we, Bumpy Lanier '59 and myself were filming, could not just stop at the moment. I hope that you were not offended because I do love to stop and talk to all. I also want to apologize to those that I called on to say something to the camera when filming and my mind went blank as to their names especially the pretty girls. I guess they call it a senior moment. I had several of them.
We did something new. In addition to taking pictures as we usually do, we also did videos. When we download it to "You Tube", we can share with the entire group all over the US, PR and HI. I hope I did not embarrass anyone during the videoing when I was asking them question. We hope to make you feel like you participated with us and maybe we can reserve 2/3 of the Golden Corral soon. As I had mentioned before, the 200 attendance is within site. If someone out there knows of any other school that does what we do, I would like to know about it. When I asked the question, "What is it that brings all of these Baker High folks together"? There were many answers, Baker family, camaraderie, love for the school, friendships, food, loyalty to Baker folks and many others. I think that another great one I heard, was from Diane (Story) Lanier '62 when she said "It makes all of us young again". I hope to have all of the five, (5), segments on "You Tube" by the end of the week.
We had Baker folks that traveled from Utah, Haywood Cooper '61, Big Bill Bremen '60 from Bellville, Illinois just out side St. Louis, MO and Michigan. We also had them from FL., through out the state of GA and AL.
Many "THANKS" to all that helped. This could not have been possible without your help.
Curly Harman '62, Mike Kocian '62 , Annette (Johnson) Kocian '64, Diane (Story) Lanier '62 and others had a table with displays and information for the BHS Class of 1962 50 YR Class Cruise which will be in October of 2012. This is going to be fun and many signed up yesterday. If you are interested in joining many of us that are going with the class of 1962 50 YR Cruise please contact Curly Harmon at 1-706-817-8090 or e-mail him at bharman2000@hotmail.com.
I guess the saddest part of the luncheon was that our beloved Principal, Mr. Oscar P. Boyles was not present with us but I am certain that he was present in spirit. Thanks to all for all of your confidence and May GOD bless all of us.
Ismael (Ish) Nazario '61
Here are the Luncheon videos:
1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=udjVvgBjTic
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Iox7ry1IFo
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBHVtO4blSw
4. https://www.youtube.com/-Th-uJtVpTY
5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0yFeYEfm2A
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Iox7ry1IFo
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBHVtO4blSw
4. https://www.youtube.com/-Th-uJtVpTY
5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0yFeYEfm2A
Frank Duke '62 took photos and uploaded his to another online album June 13,2011 Luncheon